Elon Musk has been heralded as one of the foremost visionaries of our generation. From SpaceX to Tesla to the Boring companies, many modern-day solutions to humanities rests in the success of these companies. The disruptive entrepreneur has an interesting personality of his own: often touting on Twitter about life’s many twists and turns.
One of Elon Musk’s greatest successes is launching the Falcon Heavy rocket. This is the heaviest human-made projectile to ever enter space. This proved that Spacex could reuse side thruster, further legitimizing SpaceX’s operation. This is Elon’s priceless reaction to seeing his rocket blast-off.
Elon Musk started computer programming at a very young age. He sold his first computer-based video game at the age of 12 for $500. On the flip side of being successful in computer science, Elon Musk was brutally bullied, so much so he developed a mental illness and had to leave South Africa for Canada.
One of Elon Musk’s first big successes is building a company that eventually became Paypal. Along with his brother, Kimbal, Elon describes working day-in and day-out to make their company a hit. The Musks worked for their website in the day and coded their company at night. Elon Musk emphasized the mental strain and stress that is needed to be successful.
Elon Musk has admitted in the past from suffering from Bipolar disorder as well as depression. In his autobiography, Musk attributes his stress to many of life’s twists and turns. He also attributes his mental illness to the workload he has taken on through his many companies. In one of his Tweets, Musk comments on how society’s views of mental illness vs. success in life is skewed.
In the preceding Tweet, Elon Musk answers for why he thinks he has a mental illness. Elon attributes his mental illness to bad events he has had in his life. Some of these events could be relentless bullying in his childhood, stress from his innovations, or his many strained relationships. Even though, he loves what he does.
In yet, another Tweet Elon offers advice to those who are going through a tough spot. He advises others to just take on the pain to make sure that they really care about what they are doing. This way, personal sacrifice is worth it. I personally feel like this advice is spot-on.
This is a picture of a piece of The Boring Company’s underground tunneling system. This is a company that Elon Musk created to increase the efficiency of vehicular commute in Los Angeles. This is one of Elon Musk’s projects to expand humanity’s reach. It is great to see the progress that is being made.
This is yet another project that is being constantly worked on. It is called the Hyperloop: an ultra-fast bullet train that can take a trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco in a matter of minutes. It is a company that holds an annual competition each year to attain the best speeds on a magnetic levitation track. Hyperloop is a subsidiary of SpaceX.
This is a picture of Elon Musk on Joe Rogan’s podcast from last year. In this podcast, Elon took a huff off of a joint. He later received tremendous backlash from many new outlets and social media outlets. One of the best parts of the story, as well as Elon Musk as a whole, is his attitude towards the situation. Elon did not seem to care and acknowledged it with humor. This situation really embodies Elon.